Teacher Group Files Ethics Complaint Against Rep. Kim Banta Over Charter Schools Vote

FRANKFORT – A Republican Kentucky lawmaker is facing an ethics allegation after taking a vote on legislation creating a funding mechanism for charter schools in the state.

The former advocacy group turned teacher’s union, KY120United-AFT held a press conference Monday morning to announce they have filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Kim Banta, R-Ft. Mitchell. The group, which supports teachers, professors, state workers, and retirees, claims Rep. Banta’s votes for charter schools funding could be a violation of the Kentucky Constitution.

The Courier-Journal reported last week, that Banta took two votes for the charter school bill that “could benefit a school project near a billion-dollar riverfront development overseen by her husband. “Rep. Banta’s husband, Tom Banta, sits on the Corporex board, according to the Courtier Journal report. Corporex is the same firm that is developing a project in Northern Kentucky that has plans to include a charter school in its development project.

Kentucky 120 is leveraging the ethics complaint to try and halt House Bill 9 from making its way through the state Senate. The group called on Senate Education Committee Chair Max Wise, to remove HB9, the charter school funding bill, from the committee agenda until these complaints are investigated and resolved.

“The cloud of potential corruption surrounding the charter school funding bill needs to be lifted before any further action is taken on the measure,” said Stacy Crosslin, AFT Member. “We are asking Chairman Wise to remove HB9 from the committee agenda today so that the Legislative Ethics Commission can conduct a complete investigation and determine if Rep. Banta has violated Section 57 of the Kentucky Constitution.”