Rand Paul Launches First Ad for Senate Re-Election

In his first campaign ad of the 2022 election, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, is leaning in on protecting liberty.

The nearly two-minute long digital ad titled “Liberty in All Seasons” features narration mixed with numerous speeches and footage of Paul promoting freedoms, balanced budgets, and prosperity.

“Throughout the campaign, Dr. Paul has focused on the importance of our constitutional rights, fiscal responsibility, and more,” said Jake Cox, Deputy Campaign Manager. “This video highlights his fight for freedom and vision of a more prosperous America. Under a third term, Dr. Paul will continue to propose solutions to lower prices at the pump and in the grocery store, combat government-inflicted inflation, and offer real opportunities to foster economic growth for communities across the commonwealth.”

Paul is seeking a third term in the Senate against Democratic nominee Charles Booker.