Paul Announces Major Fundraising Haul, Booker Touts “Deep Organizing”

U.S. Sen. Rand Paul’s campaign announced their biggest quarter yet with a record-breaking fundraising haul heading into the 2022 U.S. Senate race.

Paul’s campaign announced more than $4 million in campaign contributions in the 3rd quarter financial report, exceeding the amount raised in any single quarter in either of Paul’s two previous campaigns for the U.S. Senate.

“This record-breaking fundraising quarter is a strong sign that Kentuckians want to see Dr. Paul return to the senate in 2022,” said Jake Cox, Deputy Campaign Manager in a news release. “Dr. Paul has been at the forefront of standing up for our liberties, calling out unelected bureaucrats, and fighting wasteful spending. With just over a year left, Dr. Paul remains well-positioned to win re-election and continue his good work on behalf of the commonwealth.”

The latest cash grab brings Paul’s campaign war chest to more than $9 million raised year-to-date leaving his campaign with nearly $7 million in cash on hand. The donations come from 150,000 “small-dollar grassroots donors,” according to Paul’s campaign.

“We’ve raised 5 times as much as our opponent and we have 5 times the donors. Guess when you embrace defunding the police, people want to make sure they do everything they can to stop you,” Cox said.

Meanwhile, the campaign of Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Charles Booker announced raising “nearly $1.7 million through over 55,000 contributions from over 30,000 donors, including ones from all 120 counties across the state with nearly half of our total amounts coming from inside the state.”

“Ninety-eight percent of our dollars are from grassroots small donors proving that this is a campaign funded by everyday people – the kinds of people that are usually forgotten by our political leaders in this state,” Booker said in a statement.

Booker’s campaign manager Bianca Keaton said maintaining a “Kentucky-centered” campaign approach is vital to their strategy with Booker’s roots as an activist in the state.

“We have seen time and time again that fundraising without a real plan to invest in the people and make Kentuckians’ voices heard is a failing plan,” said Keaton, who also played a role in the Georgia Senate races earlier this year. “This campaign is building on the work that Rep. Booker did last cycle and is on pace to deliver the largest statewide organizing program the state has ever seen.”

Booker and Paul will appear on the ball in May of 2022 for their party’s nominations for the General Election.