Gov. Beshear Raises About $650k in Fourth Quarter

Gov. Andy Beshear has now raised more than $5.2M for his reelection campaign and has more than $4.7M cash on hand, according to his campaign.

The latest fundraising numbers for Beshear come as he is primed to unveil $1.6 billion in funding for the Brent Spence Bridge, on top of the economic development projects announced this year and high public favorability ratings.

“What is happening in Kentucky right now is so exciting,” said Gov. Beshear. “We are bringing good jobs to every corner of our commonwealth—the kinds of jobs that make all the difference for our families, allowing people to strengthen their communities and provide a better life and future for their children. We also are making record investments that are bringing clean water, better roads, high-speed internet and now the much-needed funding for the Brent Spence Bridge in northern Kentucky. I deeply appreciate everyone who donated to help ensure that we can continue this progress.”

There are a dozen Republicans who have expressed some intent at seeking the GOP nomination to run against Beshear this year. The candidate filing deadline is Friday.