Democratic Group Ties Daniel Cameron to Bevin Pardons with Ads

A Democratic group supporting Gov. Andy Beshear is on the air with ads tying Republican Attorney General Daniel Cameron to controversial pardons issued by former GOP Gov. Matt Bevin, and Cameron’s campaign has been trying to get the ads removed.

The Louisville Courier-Journal is reporting Cameron’s campaign sent a letter to television stations seeking to have the ads pulled from the airwaves, which has been so far unsuccessful.

The ads are from the Democratic Governor’s Association (DGA) backed group Defending Bluegrass Values. The ad titled, “Surrounding,” points to Cameron’s hiring of former Bevin attorneys who pushed controversial pardons.

“When the pardon scandal broke Daniel Cameron promised to investigate,” a narrator in the ad says. “But, Cameron used taxpayer money to hire Bevin’s top aides instead. Surrounding himself with the same people who helped push the pardons.”

As Beshear faces his own scandal the DGA is turning up the heat on Cameron launching multiple other TV and digital ads attempting to tie Cameron to the pardon scandal.