Craig Greenberg Launches First Ad Leaning In on Personal Experience With Gun Violence

The campaign for Louisville Democratic mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg is launching his first ad of the campaign focusing on violence in Louisville, and the assassination attempt made at his Louisville campaign headquarters.

The ad, titled Valentine’s Day, features Greenberg’s wife, Rachel speaking directly to the camera about the day she nearly lost her husband.

Greenberg’s campaign will be on-air with ads in major television buys every week from now until the May 17 primary, according to sources close to the campaign.

This story is not one that our campaign ever wanted to tell,” Greenberg said in a statement. “However, my wife Rachel and I thought it was important to share our experience with our community. Louisville has a violent crime crisis that is impacting too many families all over our city. My family and my team were recently impacted by gun violence and that impact has strengthened my resolve to help end this crisis.”

Quintez Brown has been charged in the shooting at Greenberg’s campaign headquarters. No one was injured during the shooting, but one round did graze Greenberg’s sweater, according to police reports. A campaign staffer was able to get the door to the office closed and barricaded.