Ad Backfire? Craft’s ‘Empty Chair’ Ad Refers to Living Family Member

Former United Nations Ambassador and Republican primary candidate for governor Kelly Craft is explaining an ad claiming her family table was missing a spot is hyperbole.

Craft has been running a :30 ad titled, “a spot missing,” that says dangerous drugs like Fentanyl has “stolen our loved ones away.”

“As a mother, this is personal to me, because I’ve experienced that empty chair at my table,” Craft said in the ad playing across Kentucky.

After days of questions from reporters, Craft is now revealing to LEX 18 that spot at her table is not missing, but rather refers to an unnamed family member’s own issues with addiction.

Craft told LEX 18 on Thursday, “That person has not passed away, we were so fortunate. It was a very difficult chapter in our lives and I thank God every day that we were able to come through this.”

When asked for her response to those who feel she embellished the truth, Craft told LEX 18, “The ad is very clear, as a mother, as a family member I have felt that pain, luckily we were able to continue and have that seat at our table and I’m going to fight every day because I understand, and my heart goes out to people who have lost loved ones and I sit at family tables and I hear this.”

Craft declined to name the person she introduced to Kentuckians in her ad.

She faces 11 other candidates in the race for the GOP nomination for governor including Attorney General Daniel Cameron, Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles, Auditor Mike Harmon, and Somerset Mayor Alan Keck.