Potomac Fever

Charles Booker Will Remain in the Democratic Party

Charles Booker will remain a member of the Democratic Party. The Democratic U.S. Senate nominee had been contemplating changing his political registration to independent, but that plan is now off. Booker is staying with the Democratic Party, according to an authority within the Booker campaign. The news likely follows a sigh of relief from high-profile...

Paul Bucks McConnell Over Judicial Appointment; KY Senate Closes Ranks Around Sen. Meredith

Kentucky’s U.S. Senators are at odds over a judicial nomination that had the approval of President Joe Biden, and the discontent could be leaking into the state Senate chambers. The White House has dropped plans to appoint Chad Meredith to a federal judicial appointment, after an agreement with President Joe Biden which was brokered by...

Could Biden Nomination of Bevin/Cameron Lawyer Shift Pardon Liability?

An attorney that helped issue one of the most controversial pardons from the administration of Gov. Matt Bevin is about to be nominated to a lifetime appointment for federal judge thanks to a deal between Sen. Mitch McConnell and President Joe Biden, according to the Courier-Journal. The newspaper reports Chad Meredith will be nominated by...

Charles Booker is Using Supreme Court Decision as Pivot Point in Senate Race

In the days following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Charles Booker hit the road for reproductive rallies across the Commonwealth. The decision gives Booker, who has struggled to find his footing in the race against U.S. Sen. Rand Paul the possibility to raise national funding and...

KY Politicians React to Supreme Court Overturn of Roe V. Wade

Kentucky’s elected-officials ran to their ideological corners on Friday morning as the U.S. Supreme Court officially overturned a landmark decision granting a federal constitutional right to abortion. The 6-3 decision by the Supreme Court gives states the power to set their own abortion laws, the 1973 Roe V. Wade ruling had given federal protection for...

Karen Kelly Transitioning Out as Hal Rogers District Director; Carlos Cameron Named as Replacement

Karen Kelly is leaving work with Congressman Hal Rogers after 28 years in his organization for the private sector. Rogers has named Carlos Cameron as his new district director. Kelly led Congressman Rogers’ Kentucky operations since 2013, and has worked alongside Kentucky’s longest serving congressman in several leadership roles since 1994, including serving as founding...

McConnell Agrees to Support Gun Legislation

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, is in agreement with a bipartisan gun safety bill that could pass the Senate this week. “I support the bill text that Senator Cornyn and our colleagues have produced,” McConnell said in a statement on Tuesday. “For years, the far left falsely claimed that Congress could only address...

Here’s Who is Serving on Gov. Beshear’s Cannabis Committee

On Tuesday, Gov. Andy Beshear made his first steps towards allowing medical cannabis in the Commonwealth by seating an advisory committee. After the General Assembly failed to pass a medical marijuana bill in the legislative session, Beshear promised to take action on the issue that polls incredibly well with Kentuckians. Through an executive order, the Governor...

Al Cross: On guns, McConnell is rational, but his operative word is risk

When President Biden said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was one of the “rational Republicans” who recognize “they can’t continue like this” on the issue of guns – which means doing nothing – the left erupted, casting Biden as hapless Charlie Brown in the old “Peanuts” meme of Lucy yanking away the football. Even some...